What is CGPA? Know everything about it

CGPA is a most popular grading system which is used by many universities to evaluate their academic scores. CGPA uses different scales to calculate students’ scores like 5,7,4 and 10 but 4 and 10 is most popular among them. CGPA is an average of a student’s academic scores and describes a student’s academic performance.

How to  calculate CGPA with the help of formulas ?

CGPA  is measured on the different scales like 10, 5 ,4 or 7. Let’s understand all of them with some simple examples

CGPA on a 10 scale Points: 

Here are few steps to calculate CGPA on the scale of 10

Step 1: Convert Your Grades into Grade Points:

Percent Grade Point
90 – 100 10
80 – 89 9
70 – 79 8
60 – 69 7
50 – 59 6
40 – 49 5
30 – 39 4
Below 30 0-3

Calculation can vary on the basis of your institution’s grading system, but this will provide you a rough idea.

2. Calculate the Grade Points for Each Subject:

First you need to convert your percentage or grade into the grade point.

3. Find the Weighted Average:

If your subjects have different credit hours, you need to calculate grade points on the basis of a weighted average grading system. 

To calculate weightage average of any subject you need to multiply grade point by the number of credit hours, then sum up their products. And then divide it by total number of credit hours.


CGPA=∑(Grade Point of Subject × Credit Hours of subject)


                    ∑Credit Hours of All Subject


Let’s assume you have 4 subjects with the following details:

Sub Grade (%) Grade Point (Out of 10) Credit Hours
Math 85 9 4
Phy 75 8 3
Che  90 10 3
Bio 80 9 2

Step 1: Calculate the weighted grade points for each subject

Maths   : 9×4=36

Physics: 8×3=24

Chemistry: 10×3=30

Biology: 9×2=18

Step 2: Sum of weighted grade points


Step 3: Sum of credit hours


Step 4: Calculate CGPA


So, your CGPA is 9.0 on a scale of 10.

CGPA on a 4 scale points 

To calculate CGPA on a 4-point scale, you need to follow  following steps

1. Convert Your Grades to Grade Points:

You can convert convert your grade in grade point with the help of following details 

Percentage (%) Grade Point (Out of 4)
90 – 100 4.0
80 – 89 3.7
70 – 79 3.3
60 – 69 3.0
50 – 59 2.7
40 – 49 2.3
30 – 39 2.0
Below 30 Below 2.0 (depending on institution)

2. Convert Each Subject’s Grade to Grade Points:

To calculate CGPA on a 4 scale you should convert  your percentage to the corresponding grade point.

3. Calculate the Weighted Average:

Now try to calculate the weighted average by. Multiplying your grade point with each subject by its respective credit hours, and then divide by the total number of credit hours.


CGPA=∑(Grade Point of Subject × Credit Hours of subject)


                    ∑Credit Hours of All Subject


Let’s suppose you have the following subjects and grades:

Subject Grade (%) Grade Point (Out of 4) Credit Hours
Math 85 3.7 4
Physics 75 3.3 3
Chemistry 90 4.0 3
Biology 70 3.3 2

Step 1: Convert the grades to grade points:

  • Math: 85% = 3.7
  • Physics: 75% =  3.3
  • Chemistry: 90% =  4.0
  • Biology: 70% =  3.3

Step 2: Calculate the weighted grade points for each subject:

  • Math: 3.7×4=14.8
  • Physics: 3.3×3=9.9
  • Chemistry: 4.0×3=12.0
  • Biology: 3.3×2=6.6

Step 3: Sum of the weighted grade points:


Step 4: Sum of credit hours:

4+3+3+2=124 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 12

Step 5: Calculate CGPA:



Your CGPA on a 4-point scale is 3.61.

3. Percentage into CGPA in a 5 scale points 

Here some simple steps for 5 scale point

1. Convert Grades to Grade Points:

You convert your grades into a grade point with help of below mentioned details,

Percentage (%)

Grade Point (Out of 5)

90 – 100


80 – 89


70 – 79


60 – 69


50 – 59


40 – 49


30 – 39


Below 30

Below 2.0 (depending on institution)

2. Convert Each Subject’s Grade to Grade Points

First you need to convert your grade percentage to the corresponding grade point as per 5-point scale.

3. Calculate the Weighted Average:

If your subjects have different credit hours, you should calculate a weighted average for the CGPA.by Multiplying the grade point of each subject by its respective credit hours, and then divide the sum by the total credit hours.


CGPA=∑(Grade Point of Subject×Credit Hours of subject)


                    ∑Credit Hours of All Subject


Let’s assume  that you have the following grades and credit hours for 4 subjects:


Grade (%)

Grade Point (Out of 5)

Credit Hours

















Step 1: Convert the grades to grade points:

  • Math: 85% =4.5
  • Physics: 75% = 4.0
  • Chemistry: 90% =  5.0
  • Biology: 70% = 4.0

Step 2: Calculate the weighted grade points for each subject:

  • Math: 4.5×4=18.0
  • Physics: 4.0×3=12.0
  • Chemistry: 5.0×3=15.0
  • Biology: 4.0×2=8.0

Step 3: Sum of the weighted grade points:


Step 4: Sum of credit hours:


Step 5: Calculate CGPA:



Your CGPA on a 5-point scale is 4.42.

Different Indian Universities CGPA calculation techniques

In India, universities follow various methods for calculating CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average). These methods can differ on the basis of  university and state,. Every university has their own formula and method to convert percentage to CGPA. we took some famous university marking schemes for your better understanding.

1. The University Grants Commission (UGC) Model:

UGC has a uniform grading system to standardize CGPA across universities, particularly for those universities who choose to follow  Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). The UGC model uses the following grading scale:

Grade Grade Point (GPA)
O (Outstanding) 10
A+ (Excellent) 9
A (Very Good) 8
B+ (Good) 7
B (Average) 6
C (Below Average) 5
P (Pass) 4
F (Fail) 0


CGPA=∑(Grade Point of Subject×Credit Hours of subject)


                    ∑Credit Hours of All Subject

Example, if in a university use  following system, 

Subject Grade Point (GPA) Credit Hours
Mathematics 9 4
Physics 8 3
Chemistry 7 3
Computer Sci 10 4

CGPA would be calculated as:

CGPA=(9×4)+(8×3)+(7×3)+(10×4)4+3+3+4=36+24+21+4014=12114≈8.64\text{CGPA} = \frac{(9 \times 4) + (8 \times 3) + (7 \times 3) + (10 \times 4)}{4 + 3 + 3 + 4} = \frac{36 + 24 + 21 + 40}{14} = \frac{121}{14} \approx 8.64

2. Anna University, Chennai (CGPA Calculation):

Anna University, one of the most prominent technical universities in India, uses the Grade Point Average (GPA) and CGPA system. The grading scale used by Anna University is as follows:

Grade Grade Point (GPA)
O 10
A+ 9
A 8
B+ 7
B 6
C 5
P 4
F 0

CGPA Calculation:

The CGPA is calculated after the completion of each semester, and the grades are weighted according to the number of credit hours assigned to each course.


CGPA=∑(Grade Point of Subject×Credit Hours of subject)


                    ∑Credit Hours of All Subject

Anna university uses the same method which is used by UGC, but  they use slightly different criteria for awarding specific grades based on exam performance.

3. JNTU (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University):

JNTU follows a 10-point grading system to calculate CGPA. The grading scale used by JNTU is:

Grade Grade Point (GPA)
O 10
A+ 9
A 8
B+ 7
B 6
C 5
P 4
F 0

CGPA Calculation follows the weighted average of grade points, taking into account the credit hours for each subject.

4. Delhi University (DU) Grading System:

Delhi University uses a 7-point scale for grading system

Grade Grade Point (GPA)
A+ 4.0
A 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
C+ 2.7
C 2.3
P 2.0
F 0

CGPA Calculation:

For DU, the CGPA is calculated by averaging the grade points across all semesters. The final CGPA is rounded to two decimal places.

5. BITS Pilani (Birla Institute of Technology and Science):

BITS Pilani follows a 10-point scale and calculates CGPA based on the following grading system:

Grade Grade Point (GPA)
O 10
A 8.5
B 7.5
C 6.5
D 5.5
E 4.5
F 0

CGPA Calculation:

CGPA is calculated at the end of each semester and is computed using the weighted average of the grades in all subjects.


CGPA=∑(Grade Point of Subject×Credit Hours of subject)


                    ∑Credit Hours of All Subject

6. VIT University (VIT):

VIT follows a 10-point scale and uses the following grading system:

Grade Grade Point (GPA)
O 10
A+ 9
A 8
B+ 7
B 6
C 5
P 4
F 0

VIT also uses a weighted CGPA calculation system, where each subject’s grade point is multiplied by its credit value and the result is summed up.

7. IITs (Indian Institutes of Technology):

IITs use a 10-point scale for grading, and each IIT may have a slightly different system for CGPA calculation, but most of them follow a weighted average method.

Grade Grade Point (GPA)
O 10
A+ 9
A 8
B+ 7
B 6
C 5
P 4
F 0

The CGPA is calculated using the weighted average, with the formula:

CGPA=∑(Grade Point of Subject × Credit Hours of subject)


                    ∑Credit Hours of All Subject

Count the backlogs and repeated courses while calculating the final CGPA.

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