About Us

Welcome to the CGPA to percentages calculator, your trusted friend for converting CGPA into a percentage.

We understand that accurate GPA calculation is crucial for different types of users, whether you are a student who is preparing for college applications or working professionals who are building work profiles. Our tool will simplify your work and provide you 100% accurate results.


Our mission is to provide a user-friendly tool and provide 100% accuracy to all the users, starting from school students to working professionals. The main goal of our tool is to help you convert your grades between different types of marking schemes like CGPA, percentage, SGPA, or GPA. Our tool is mainly focused on minimising your efforts so that you can save your time and energy for other important tasks.

What do we offer?

Our website covers a wide range of tools to meet your various academic needs. Let’s talk about some of them.

CGPA to Percentage: It will help you to convert your CGPA into a percentage. It is useful for students who need a percentage for their college application or for a job profile.

Percentage to CGPA: This is an important tool for students who want to understand how their percentages are translated into the CGPA system.

SGPA to CGPA: This tool will help you in cumulative CGPA and keep track of your overall performance in multiple semesters.

SGPA to Percentage: It will provide you a better understanding of your semester performance by comparing them in a percentage-based grading system.

GPA to CGPA: It is useful for transferring grades between different institutions’ different grading systems. It will help you to convert multiple GPAs into a single CGPA.

GPA to Percentage: This tool will help you to calculate a percentage from your GPA.

Percentage to GPA: It will also help you in the conversion of percentage into a GPA.

Key Features: 

Here are some key reasons why students trust us to convert their academic scores:

Accuracy: Our tools are designed with the objective to provide you with the most accurate results because we understand that accuracy plays an important role in academic grading systems. That’s why we will make sure that every single grade converted using this tool will be precise and reliable.

Simple & User-Friendly: We know you don’t want to waste your time on complex tools; that’s why we have designed our website with a simple and easy-to-understand interface.

Comprehensive Tools: We have a large variety of tools that suit your academic needs. Whether you want to convert CGPA into a percentage or GPA into CGPA, or anything in between, we will help you with that.

Always Available: You can access our platform on a 24/7 basis whenever it is required.

Thanks again for choosing our platform. We’re thrilled to be part of your academic success, and we are here to support you. If you have any questions, drop all of them in the comment section.