Importance of CGPA in Your Career

Importance of CGPA in Your Career

There are different metrics available in the market for the purpose of academic evaluation but Do you know any practical use of them ? We should understand real life uses of these metrics before we calculate them so let’s understand some uses of CGPA. Academic Evaluations These two academic tools describe how hard you worked …

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CGPA vs Percentage Explained

CGPA VS Percentage

When you talk about exams and results CGPA and percentage is the most common term which comes to your mind. Most of the School and college use this term to evaluate your academic performance but do you know what is a key difference between CGPA and percentage ? And which one is best for the …

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CGPA vs OGPA vs SGPA vs GPA Explained


As a student you often hear terms like CGPA, OGPA, SGPA, and GPA but do you know what are the key differences between them don’t worry we will guide you to the difference between them. Let’s discuss them one by one. CGPA (cumulative grade point average) CGPA is a mathematical measurement of your academic performance. …

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Percentage vs Percentile: Explained in a easy way

percentage vs percentile

Students always get confused between percentage and percentile, as they sound similar, but they have different meanings from each other. Let me explain them one by one.  What is a percentage? Percentage is a way to express a fraction of 100. It denotes how many makes you get out of 100. It gives a clear …

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What is CGPA? Know everything about it

What is CGPA

CGPA is a most popular grading system which is used by many universities to evaluate their academic scores. CGPA uses different scales to calculate students’ scores like 5,7,4 and 10 but 4 and 10 is most popular among them. CGPA is an average of a student’s academic scores and describes a student’s academic performance. How …

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