Marks To Percentage Calculator

Marks to Percentage Calculator | Calculate Your Percentage

Marks to Percentage Calculator

Simple Method

Obtained Marks Total Marks Percentage
- - -

Detailed Method

Subject Scored Marks Total Marks Remove
Total Obtained Marks Total Marks Percentage
- - -

Calculation Formula

Percentage = (Obtained Marks / Total Marks) × 100

Note: For the simple method, enter your obtained and total marks. For the detailed method, the overall percentage is calculated using the sum of all subjects' marks.

Are you struggling to calculate percentages from your marks and frustrated with complex calculations? Don’t worry, we’re here to help you. Our tool will generate 100% accurate results with some simple clicks. Before we move forward to calculate the percentage let’s understand it .

What is a percentage?

Percentage is one of the performance measurement metrics like. It is calculated on the scale of 0 to 100. You can also calculate the percentage in a fraction where the denominator is 100. You can calculate percentage with the help of formula mentioned below

Percentage = (Marks you got / Total marks) x 100

Let’s take one quick example for better understanding

Now, suppose you got 50 right questions out of 100 question, 

Then your percentage will be  [(50 / 100) * 100].

And your answer is 50%

How does a percentage calculator work ?

A percentage calculator is a tool which is designed with the objective to help students and professionals. It will help you to calculate percentage from your marks.

This tool will help you to calculate discount rates and interest rates on your investments or on your loan. In addition to that You can also calculate growth rates and progress rates for different companies.

How to calculate Percentage from marks ?

Marks To Percentage Calculator

There are two different methods available in the market to calculate percentage from marks. You can calculate each subject percentage with the help of a first method .You can also calculate multiple subject percentages with the help of a second method. Let’s discuss them one by one.

Subject Wise Calculation

Simple Method

Subject wise calculator involves less formula and calculator in comparison to the second method still if you are stuck in complex calculation then you can use our tool to get quick results. Let’s understand how to use our tool

Step 1: First, put marks you got in your exams in their field

Step 2 :Then put the total number of marks for which examination is conducted in their field.

Step 3: wait for the result. Our tool will do all the complex calculations for you.

For Example: Let suppose you got 38 marks out of 50 marks in your english test. 

Step 1: First, put 38 marks in the its field

Step 2 :Then put 50 in its field 

Step 3:  and you will get 76% as result.                  

Multiple Subjects Calculation

Detailed Method

If you want to calculate a percentage for more than one subject then your calculation will become a little more complex, don’t worry our calculator will help you with some simple clicks. Let’s understand the steps for that.

Step 1: first, enter each subject’s total marks in their field.

Step 2 : Then Enter the scored marks of each subject in their field.

Step 3 : Now, Click on the “Add Subject” button to add more subjects.

Step 4 :  and at last click on the “Calculate” button to get the overall percentage.

Let’s understand these steps  with some examples 

For example: you got following scores in each subject:

Physics : 80 out of 100

chemistry: 70 out of 100

Maths : 90 out of 100

First you need to add all of them : 

Total Marks you got =80+70+90=240

Total Marks =100+100+100=300

Now percentage: Percentage=(240/300)×100=80%

It means student got  80% from all three subjects​

Percentage Conversion Table

Below mentioned table shows marks and their conversion into percentage for a maximum score of 300

Marks Marks Percentage (%)
300 100%
290 96.67%
280 93.33%
270 90.00%
260 86.67%
250 83.33%
240 80.00%
230 76.67%
220 73.33%
210 70.00%
200 66.67%
190 63.33%
180 60.00%
170 56.67%
160 53.33%
150 50.00%
140 46.67%
130 43.33%
120 40.00%
110 36.67%
100 33.33%
90 30.00%
80 26.67%
70 23.33%
60 20.00%
50 16.67%
40 13.33%
30 10.00%
20 6.67%
10  –

Difference between Percentile and Percentage 

Most of the time students get confused between percentage and percentile because both of them sound similar but they hold completely different meanings. Percentage is a ratio  of individual performance, whereas percentile is a rank of the student which is calculated for the comparison between the students. Let’s take one example for better understanding about the difference between them.


If you got 80 marks out 100  and you got 5th rank in 20 students class then,

percentage = [(Marks you got / Total Marks) * 100]
                    = [(80 / 100) * 100]
                    = 80 %

Percentile = [(Number of Students having Less Marks than you / Total      Number of Students) * 100]

                   = [(15 / 20) * 100] = 75 percentile

How to calculate percentages in different situations? 

Fraction’s Percentage 

You can easily convert the percentage from a Fraction to calculate it. You need to divide the denominator by numerator and multiply it by 100.

For example, you need to convert 4/9 into a percentage,

                        ={(4 / 9) * 100}

Increase in percentage 

We can understand this with some simple examples. Let’s suppose you got 60 marks in any exam, and you are sad about it. Next time you worked, and you got 80 marks, then how much percentage increase do you have?

Percentage Increase = [{(New marks – Old marks) / Old marks} * 100]

                                     [{(80 – 60 ) /60 } * 100]


Decrease in percentage Let’s take the same example in a reverse way: if you got 80 marks in your first exams and, due to your overconfidence, you got 60 marks in your next exams, then how much decrease do you have ?

Percentage Increase = [{(New marks – Old marks) / Old marks} * 100]

                                  = [{(60- 80) /80 } * 100]


SSC percentage 

SSC percentage calculation includes the same  method which is used for multiple subject percentage calculation. You just need to sum up total marks, divide them by the total number of marks in your exam, and multiply them by 100.

Average Percentage for Entire Class

The average percentage calculation is very simple. You can use the same technique and formula. First sum up the entire class marks, then divide them by the total marks of your exams, multiplying them with the number of students, and at last multiplying the whole answer with 100.

For example, there are four students in the class: 60, 70, 80, and 90.

Average Percentage = [(60 + 70 + 80 + 90) / 4].

How to calculate the percentage for the 12th standard?

To calculate your 12th standard  percentage, you need to follow the same formula which is used  for multiple subject percentage calculation. You can follow the following steps for that:

Step 1: Add all marks together which you scored in each subject.

Step 2: Calculate total marks by adding the maximum possible marks together.

Step3: Then Apply the formula and divide the total marks by total possible marks and multiply it with 100 to calculate the percentage.

For example :

Subject Marks Obtained Maximum Marks
Math 85 100
Science 78 100
English 92 100
History 88 100
Geography 75 100
Art 90 100

The sum of Obtained Marks: 85 + 78 + 92 + 88 + 75 + 90 = 508

Total Marks:

6 subjects × 100 marks each = 600

Percentage= (Obtained Score / Total Score) x 100

Percentage= 508 / 600 x 100

Percentage = 84.6

Tips to Calculate Percentage from Your Marks

We found simple tips and tricks to make your work easier. Let’s discuss them. 

1. To get 50 percent of a particular number, you can divide the number by two .

2. For example, 50% of 20 is 20 / 2 = 10.

3. To calculate 25% of any number, you can divide the number by 4.

4. Similarly for 10% of any number, you need to divide the number by 10. 

5. For 150 % out of 50, you can calculate like this (150 / 100) * 50, and your answer is 75