Percentage To CGPA Calculator
Percentage to CGPA Calculator
Calculation Formula
CGPA = (Percentage / 100) × Grading Scale
Note: This calculator uses direct scale conversion. Check with your institution for specific calculation policies.
Do you want to convert your percentage into CGPA but find it difficult due to lots of complicated formulas and grading scales? Don’t worry we are here to help you.
Our tool will help you calculate your CGPA from percentage effortlessly. Additionally, it will generate 100% accurate results on your fingertips, without using complex formulas or grading scales.
What is a CGPA calculator?
Every single person who wants to convert their academic score into CGPA finds it difficult to calculate them manually. That’s why we came up with a simple solution to your problem.
Our tool will help you to convert your percentage into CGPA with some simple clicks. So if you are a student or working professional who wants to convert your percentage into CGPA,, then you are in the right place. Our calculator will help you to convert your academic score in minutes.
How to calculate CGPA from percentage ?
There are mainly four methods to calculate CGPA. You can measure it on a 10 scale, 5 scale, 4 scale, or 7 scale. Let’s understand all of them with some simple examples.
1. Percentage into CGPA in 10 scale points:
The most common method to convert your percentage into a CGPA is by assuming a 10-point CGPA scale. To convert your score first,you need to gather your percentage from your subject wise marks then divide your percentage by 9.5 and in the end round of the result which you got.Let’s understand it with some simple examples mentioned below.
For example you got 79 %in your exams and your university uses a 10 scale method.
Formula (CGPA = percentage / 9.5)
For Example: CGPA = (79/9.5) = 8.31
Percentage to CGPA 10 Grade Point:
Percentage (10 Grade) | CGPA in 10 Grade Scale |
100 – 95 Percentage in CGPA | 10.0 |
94 Percentage in CGPA | 9.9 |
93 Percentage in CGPA | 9.8 |
92 Percentage in CGPA | 9.7 |
91 Percentage in CGPA | 9.6 |
90 Percentage in CGPA | 9.5 |
89 Percentage in CGPA | 9.4 |
88 Percentage in CGPA | 9.3 |
87 Percentage in CGPA | 9.2 |
86 Percentage in CGPA | 9.0 |
85 Percentage in CGPA | 8.9 |
84 Percentage in CGPA | 8.8 |
83 Percentage in CGPA | 8.7 |
82 Percentage in CGPA | 8.6 |
81 Percentage in CGPA | 8.5 |
80 Percentage in CGPA | 8.4 |
79 Percentage in CGPA | 8.3 |
78 Percentage in CGPA | 8.2 |
77 Percentage in CGPA | 8.1 |
76 Percentage in CGPA | 8.0 |
75 Percentage in CGPA | 7.9 |
74 Percentage in CGPA | 7.8 |
73 Percentage in CGPA | 7.7 |
72 Percentage in CGPA | 7.6 |
71 Percentage in CGPA | 7.5 |
70 Percentage in CGPA | 7.4 |
69 Percentage in CGPA | 7.3 |
68 Percentage in CGPA | 7.2 |
67 Percentage in CGPA | 7.0 |
66 Percentage in CGPA | 6.9 |
65 Percentage in CGPA | 6.8 |
64 Percentage in CGPA | 6.7 |
63 Percentage in CGPA | 6.6 |
62 Percentage in CGPA | 6.5 |
61 Percentage in CGPA | 6.4 |
60 Percentage in CGPA | 6.3 |
59 Percentage in CGPA | 6.2 |
58 Percentage in CGPA | 6.1 |
57 Percentage in CGPA | 6.0 |
56 Percentage in CGPA | 5.9 |
55 Percentage in CGPA | 5.8 |
54 Percentage in CGPA | 5.7 |
53 Percentage in CGPA | 5.6 |
52 Percentage in CGPA | 5.5 |
51 Percentage in CGPA | 5.4 |
50 Percentage in CGPA | 5.3 |
49 Percentage in CGPA | 5.2 |
48 Percentage in CGPA | 5.1 |
47 Percentage in CGPA | 4.9 |
46 Percentage in CGPA | 4.8 |
45 Percentage in CGPA | 4.7 |
44 Percentage in CGPA | 4.6 |
43 Percentage in CGPA | 4.5 |
42 Percentage in CGPA | 4.4 |
41 Percentage in CGPA | 4.3 |
40 Percentage in CGPA | 4.2 |
39 Percentage in CGPA | 4.1 |
38 Percentage in CGPA | 4.0 |
37 Percentage in CGPA | 3.9 |
36 Percentage in CGPA | 3.8 |
35 Percentage in CGPA | 3.7 |
34 Percentage in CGPA | 3.6 |
33 Percentage in CGPA | 3.4 |
32 Percentage in CGPA | 3.3 |
31 Percentage in CGPA | 3.2 |
30 Percentage in CGPA | 3.1 |
29 Percentage in CGPA | 3.0 |
28 Percentage in CGPA | 2.9 |
27 Percentage in CGPA | 2.8 |
26 Percentage in CGPA | 2.7 |
25 Percentage in CGPA | 2.6 |
24 Percentage in CGPA | 2.5 |
23 Percentage in CGPA | 2.4 |
22 Percentage in CGPA | 2.3 |
21 Percentage in CGPA | 2.2 |
20 Percentage in CGPA | 2.1 |
19 Percentage in CGPA | 2.0 |
18 Percentage in CGPA | 1.9 |
17 Percentage in CGPA | 1.8 |
16 Percentage in CGPA | 1.7 |
15 Percentage in CGPA | 1.6 |
14 Percentage in CGPA | 1.5 |
13 Percentage in CGPA | 1.4 |
12 Percentage in CGPA | 1.3 |
11 Percentage in CGPA | 1.2 |
10 Percentage in CGPA | 1.0 |
09 Percentage in CGPA | 0.9 |
08 Percentage in CGPA | 0.8 |
07 Percentage in CGPA | 0.7 |
06 Percentage in CGPA | 0.6 |
05 Percentage in CGPA | 0.5 |
04 Percentage in CGPA | 0.4 |
03 Percentage in CGPA | 0.3 |
02 Percentage in CGPA | 0.2 |
01 Percentage in CGPA | 0.1 |
00 Percentage in CGPA | 0.0 |
2. Percentage into CGPA in a 4 scale points:
You can use a 4 scale method to calculate your CGPA. It is more popular than the 10.0 scale method
For example if you scored 87% in your exams and your university uses 4.0 CGPA scale with a division factor of 25
CGPA = Percentage / (Division Factor)
Example: CGPA = 87% / 25 = 3.48 (approx)
Percentage to CGPA 4 Grade Point:
Percentage (4 Grade) | CGPA in 4 Grade Scale |
100 Percentage in CGPA | 4.0 |
99 Percentage in CGPA | 3.96 |
98 Percentage in CGPA | 3.92 |
97 Percentage in CGPA | 3.88 |
96 Percentage in CGPA | 3.84 |
95 Percentage in CGPA | 3.80 |
94 Percentage in CGPA | 3.76 |
93 Percentage in CGPA | 3.72 |
92 Percentage in CGPA | 3.68 |
91 Percentage in CGPA | 3.64 |
90 Percentage in CGPA | 3.60 |
89 Percentage in CGPA | 3.56 |
88 Percentage in CGPA | 3.52 |
87 Percentage in CGPA | 3.48 |
86 Percentage in CGPA | 3.44 |
85 Percentage in CGPA | 3.40 |
84 Percentage in CGPA | 3.36 |
83 Percentage in CGPA | 3.32 |
82 Percentage in CGPA | 3.28 |
81 Percentage in CGPA | 3.24 |
80 Percentage in CGPA | 3.20 |
79 Percentage in CGPA | 3.16 |
78 Percentage in CGPA | 3.12 |
77 Percentage in CGPA | 3.08 |
76 Percentage in CGPA | 3.04 |
75 Percentage in CGPA | 3.00 |
74 Percentage in CGPA | 2.96 |
73 Percentage in CGPA | 2.92 |
72 Percentage in CGPA | 2.88 |
71 Percentage in CGPA | 2.84 |
70 Percentage in CGPA | 2.80 |
69 Percentage in CGPA | 2.76 |
68 Percentage in CGPA | 2.72 |
67 Percentage in CGPA | 2.68 |
66 Percentage in CGPA | 2.64 |
65 Percentage in CGPA | 2.60 |
64 Percentage in CGPA | 2.56 |
63 Percentage in CGPA | 2.52 |
62 Percentage in CGPA | 2.48 |
61 Percentage in CGPA | 2.44 |
60 Percentage in CGPA | 2.40 |
59 Percentage in CGPA | 2.36 |
58 Percentage in CGPA | 2.32 |
57 Percentage in CGPA | 2.28 |
56 Percentage in CGPA | 2.24 |
55 Percentage in CGPA | 2.20 |
54 Percentage in CGPA | 2.16 |
53 Percentage in CGPA | 2.12 |
52 Percentage in CGPA | 2.08 |
51 Percentage in CGPA | 2.04 |
50 Percentage in CGPA | 2.00 |
49 Percentage in CGPA | 1.96 |
48 Percentage in CGPA | 1.92 |
47 Percentage in CGPA | 1.88 |
46 Percentage in CGPA | 1.84 |
45 Percentage in CGPA | 1.80 |
44 Percentage in CGPA | 1.76 |
43 Percentage in CGPA | 1.72 |
42 Percentage in CGPA | 1.68 |
41 Percentage in CGPA | 1.64 |
40 Percentage in CGPA | 1.60 |
39 Percentage in CGPA | 1.56 |
38 Percentage in CGPA | 1.52 |
37 Percentage in CGPA | 1.48 |
36 Percentage in CGPA | 1.44 |
35 Percentage in CGPA | 1.40 |
34 Percentage in CGPA | 1.36 |
33 Percentage in CGPA | 1.32 |
32 Percentage in CGPA | 1.28 |
31 Percentage in CGPA | 1.24 |
30 Percentage in CGPA | 1.20 |
29 Percentage in CGPA | 1.16 |
28 Percentage in CGPA | 1.12 |
27 Percentage in CGPA | 1.08 |
26 Percentage in CGPA | 1.04 |
25 Percentage in CGPA | 1.00 |
24 Percentage in CGPA | 0.96 |
23 Percentage in CGPA | 0.92 |
22 Percentage in CGPA | 0.88 |
21 Percentage in CGPA | 0.84 |
20 Percentage in CGPA | 0.80 |
19 Percentage in CGPA | 0.76 |
18 Percentage in CGPA | 0.72 |
17 Percentage in CGPA | 0.68 |
16 Percentage in CGPA | 0.64 |
15 Percentage in CGPA | 0.60 |
14 Percentage in CGPA | 0.56 |
13 Percentage in CGPA | 0.52 |
12 Percentage in CGPA | 0.48 |
11 Percentage in CGPA | 0.44 |
10 Percentage in CGPA | 0.40 |
09 Percentage in CGPA | 0.36 |
08 Percentage in CGPA | 0.32 |
07 Percentage in CGPA | 0.28 |
06 Percentage in CGPA | 0.24 |
05 Percentage in CGPA | 0.20 |
04 Percentage in CGPA | 0.16 |
03 Percentage in CGPA | 0.12 |
02 Percentage in CGPA | 0.08 |
01 Percentage in CGPA | 0.04 |
00 Percentage in CGPA | 0.00 |
3. Percentage into CGPA in a 5 scale points:
You can use a 5 scale point method to calculate CGPA from percentage. This method is less popular than other methods, but some universities still provide their grading in this method.
Let’s take similar example of 87% as mentioned above
CGPA = Percentage / (Division Factor)
Example: CGPA = (Percentage/20) = 4.35 (approx)
Percentage to CGPA 5.0 Grade Point:
CGPA | Percentage on 5.0 scale |
1.0 | 20% |
1.1 | 22% |
1.2 | 24% |
1.3 | 26% |
1.4 | 28% |
1.5 | 30% |
1.6 | 32% |
1.7 | 34% |
1.8 | 36% |
1.9 | 38% |
2.0 | 40% |
2.1 | 42% |
2.2 | 44% |
2.3 | 46% |
2.4 | 48% |
2.5 | 50% |
2.6 | 52% |
2.7 | 54% |
2.8 | 56% |
2.9 | 58% |
3.0 | 60% |
3.1 | 62% |
3.2 | 64% |
3.3 | 66% |
3.4 | 68% |
3.5 | 70% |
3.6 | 72% |
3.7 | 74% |
3.8 | 76% |
3.9 | 78% |
4.0 | 80% |
4.1 | 82% |
4.2 | 84% |
4.3 | 86% |
4.4 | 88% |
4.5 | 90% |
4.6 | 92% |
4.7 | 94% |
4.8 | 96% |
4.9 | 98% |
5.0 | 100% |
4. Percentage into CGPA on a 7 scale points
This method is the least popular among all methods mentioned above Still, you can find them in some universities. In this method we use 7 scales method as a marking scheme instead of the 10,4 or 5 scale method.
Let’s understand it with easy example : if you have scored 89% percentage in your exams
CGPA = Percentage / (Division Factor)
CGPA = (Percentage ÷ 100) × 7.0
Percentage to CGPA 7.0 Grade Point:
CGPA | Percentage on 7.0 scale |
1.0 | 14.29% |
1.1 | 15.71% |
1.2 | 17.14% |
1.3 | 18.57% |
1.4 | 20% |
1.5 | 21.43% |
1.6 | 22.86% |
1.7 | 24.29% |
1.8 | 25.71% |
1.9 | 27.14% |
2.0 | 28.57% |
2.1 | 30% |
2.2 | 31.43% |
2.3 | 32.86% |
2.4 | 34.29% |
2.5 | 35.71% |
2.6 | 37.41% |
2.7 | 38.57% |
2.8 | 40% |
2.9 | 41.43% |
3.0 | 42.86% |
3.1 | 44.29% |
3.2 | 45.71% |
3.3 | 47.14% |
3.4 | 48.57% |
3.5 | 50% |
3.6 | 51.43% |
3.7 | 52.86% |
3.8 | 54.29% |
3.9 | 55.71% |
4.0 | 57.14% |
4.1 | 58.57% |
4.2 | 60% |
4.3 | 61.43% |
4.4 | 62.86% |
4.5 | 64.29% |
4.6 | 65.71% |
4.7 | 67.14% |
4.8 | 68.57% |
4.9 | 70% |
5.0 | 71.43% |
5.1 | 72.86% |
5.2 | 74.29% |
5.3 | 75.71% |
5.4 | 77.14% |
5.5 | 78.57% |
5.6 | 80% |
5.7 | 81.43% |
5.8 | 82.86% |
5.9 | 84.29% |
6.0 | 85.71% |
6.1 | 87.14% |
6.2 | 88.57% |
6.3 | 90% |
6.4 | 91.43% |
6.5 | 92.86% |
6.6 | 94.29% |
6.7 | 95.71% |
6.8 | 97.14% |
6.9 | 98.57% |
7.0 | 100% |
How to Convert Marks into CGPA?
You can convert your marks into CGPA with the help of following formula
Formula: CGPA = Sum of grade points / Total number of subjects
Example : Let’s suppose one university student has the following grade points in different subjects: 9, 8, 7, 8, 8
Step 1: First, Add all the grade points if each subject
Step 2 and create grand sum = 9+8+7+8+8 = 40
Step 3: Divide that sum with the total number of subjects.
Step 4: put formula CGPA = Sum of grade points / total number of subjects Step 5: CGPA = 40/5 , this student’s CGPA is 8.0
Why is the CGPA calculator required ?
As most of the schools provide students marks according to a particular subject and for aggregate they use percentage in their marking scheme.
In this situation if you want to convert your marks into CGPA then you need a formula for that but it is not necessary that every student knows that formula or know how to apply them that’s why we have created a percentage to CGPA calculator to help students in their calculation of CGPA.
Why is our CGPA calculator is best?
- Time-Saving: our tool Saves you time and provides you hassle-free results.
- Free Tool: you can use our tool for free.
- Universally Applicable: This tool is suitable for various university students who need CGPA for their college application.
- Accuracy: Our tool provides 100% accurate results with the lowest rate of exceptional errors.
- Ease of Use: It has Simple and easy to use interface which allows you to input your percentage and convert it into CGPA.
- Planning Assistance: This tool will help you in your university applications.
Different Indian Universities CGPA calculation techniques
Every university has their own formula and method to convert percentage to CGPA. We took some famous university marking schemes for better understanding.
1. Delhi University (DU)
Delhi university use Percentage / 9.5 to calculate CGPA
2. Mumbai University
Mumbai University uses [Percentage – (7.5 / 10)] formula to calculate CGPA.
3. Pune University (Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Pune University also uses 10 scale methods in a proper manner.
with CGPA= Percentage / 10 formula.
4. Chandigarh University
Chandigarh University uses a standard method for the calculation of CGPA.
With the formula of CGPA = Percentage / 9.5
5. Anna University
Anna University also uses a standard method to calculate CGPA.
With CGPA = percentage / 10 formula.
6. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU)
JNTU uses a slightly different method with CGPA = percentage / 10 formula.
7. Percentage to CGPA Calculator for CBSE
CBSE uses the following formula to calculate CGPA
CGPA= Percentage / 9.5
8. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University (MSU)
MSU uses the same formula which is used for Anna university.
9. Osmania University
Osmania University calculates percentages to CGPA with standard methods.
Which is CGPA=Percentage / 10
10. West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT)
WBUT uses a 10-point scale for calculation With the CGPA=Percentage / 10
Examples for CGPA Calculation for Different University
- Delhi University: For 85%, CGPA = 85 / 9.5 = 8.95
- Anna University: For 85%, CGPA = 85 / 10 = 8.5
- Mumbai University: For 85%, CGPA = (85 – 7.5) / 10 = 7.75
Comparison between the percentage and the CGPA
Percentage and CGPA are two different grading methods which are used to assess student’s’ academic capability. It is not practical to compare both of them, but we are doing this for the student’s understanding purpose.
Basis: Percentage is a direct valuation of your exam score, whereas CGPA is an average of all semesters GPA.
Difference: The main difference between CGPA and percentage is that the schools mostly provide results in percentages, whereas universities provide results in a CGPA.
Scale: The percentage range starts from 0 to 100, whereas the CGPA range from 1 to 10.
Interpretation: Percentage provides you with subject-wise results and combined results, whereas CGPA provides you with an average of all subjects.
Different uses of CGPA
Here are some real-life examples where you are required to use CGPA instead of percentage.
Academic: At the time of university application, it is necessary to mention your CGPA in your application form.
Jobs: When you are applying for a different job profile, it is necessary to mention CGPA in your resume.
Understanding of different types of grading systems
Grading systems are essential for assessment of student performance and for monitoring of academic advancement. Different educational institutions and nations have different grading systems. Let’s understand some of them.
Letter Grades: : This grading system is popular in the US .it allows students to compare their performance to their peers. this grading system gives A grade on extraordinary achievement, and F on very poor performance.
Number Grades: : This grading system is developed with the objective of better comparison. students can compare their performance on the provided grades, which starts from 0 to 100 or 1 to 10.
Pass/Fail: This grading system removes the burden from student’s head by using words like pass or fail in place of percentage or grades for academic evaluation. It is beneficial for kids.
How to convert percentage into CGPA?
You can convert your percentage into CGPA with the help of a formula or you can use our tool for that.
How to calculate 70 percent CGPA ?
Based on the commonly used conversion method, 70% will be 7.4 CGPA..
How to Calculate Percentage to CGPA on a 4 Scale ?
You can use the formula CGPA = Percentage / (Division Factor),, or you can use our tool to get accurate results.
Is the percentage to CGPA conversion uniform for all institutions?
No, CGPA conversion is based on 4 different scale point methods like 5, 10, 7, and 4. Each university uses a different scale for calculation.
Can I use the percentage to CGPA converter for job applications?
Yes, you can absolutely use our tool for converting your percentage into CGPA. Don’t worry our tool is built with the objective to cater to all types of audiences. Whether you are a student or a working professional, you can use our tool.