SGPA To CGPA Calculator

SGPA To CGPA Calculator | Calculate Your Cumulative GPA

SGPA To CGPA Calculator

Choose a method below to calculate your cumulative GPA.

Method 1: Enter Semester-wise SGPA

Method 2: Enter Sum of SGPA

Calculation Formula

Method 1: CGPA = (Sum of SGPA values) / (Number of Semesters)

Method 2: CGPA = (Sum of SGPA) / (Total Number of Semesters)

Note: This calculator computes a simple average. If your institution uses a weighted system, please adjust accordingly.

Do you want to calculate CGPA from SGPA, but it feels like a puzzle when it comes with long and complex calculations? Don’t worry, our tool will help you in that. It will provide you accurate result with some simple clicks. but before we move forward to calculate CGPA from SGPA let’s gain some basic knowledge about them 

What does CGPA and SGPA Means ?

CGPA and SGPA are the most popular grading systems. Many educational institutions use them to calculate a student’s academic performance for a specific time duration.

CGPA represents academic performance for your entire degree. It is based on different grading scales like 5, 7, 4, and 10, but mostly 4 and 10 are very popular to calculate CGPA.

On the other hand, SGPA is based on a student’s performance in each semester. Basically, it is the average of a student’s exam score and assignment score .

Both of them are highly important in your academic career because all the reputable universities offer admissions on the basis of your SGPAs or CGPAs.

However, many students still forget that SGPA represents semester results just like a trailer, but CGPA is like an entire film of your academic course. 

How to calculate CGPA from SGPA?


You can easily calculate CGPA from SGPA with the help of some formulas, but it is time consuming. You can save that time and enhance accuracy by using our SGPA to CGPA calculator.

There are two methods to calculate CGPA with our calculator. Let’s talk about them one by one.

Method 1:

Method 1 SGPA to CGPA

Step 1: First, enter your SGPA for each semester.

Step 2: Click on the “Calculate” button to calculate your CGPA.

Step 3: You can click on the “Reset” button if you want to convert your CGPA to SGPA one more time.

Method 2:

Method 2 SGPA to CGPA

Step 1: First, enter the sum of all the SGPA in the first input box.

Step 2: Now, enter the total number of semesters in the second input box.

Step 3: You will get your CGPA.

Step 4: You can click on reset with the reset button if you want.

Steps to Calculate CGPA from SGPA:

We are discussing the methods to calculate CGPA, so let’s discuss the manual steps to calculate CGPA before we move forward.

Step 1: First, please write down each semester’s SGPA. 

Step 2: Then  multiply Each semester’s credit with each semester’s SGPA. 

Step 3: Add all semester numbers that you got in step 2. And  add all weights together.

Step 4: Now, divide the total of step 2 with weights, and you will get the final answer.

Let’s understand it with some easy examples.

Suppose you have 4 semesters, and you got the following SGPA in each semester.

       SGPA  semester  credit
 7.5   1 20
 8.0   2 20
 8.5 3 20
9.0   4 20
Total  80

Now, multiply each SGPA with the semester credits (7.5*20, 8.0*20, and so on). and divide it with SGPA weights of SGPA, and you will get the result.

Common Mistakes during CGPA Calculation

There are some common mistakes that students usually make while calculating CGPA from SGPA.

Wrong Formula:

There are many information available on the internet. Sometimes students get confused by them. This information can lead students to the incorrect result. The legitimate formula to calculate CGPA is mentioned below. 

CGPA = Sum of SGPAs of All Semesters​ ➗ Number of Semesters

Rounding up: 

When you round up SGPA before summing up SGPA, it will lead to inaccurate CGPA. You should round up final answer after calculating all results.

Misinterpreting Grade Points:

Students always misunderstood grade point values and their corresponding SGPA. Please refer to your institution’s grade point system and make sure you understand the value assigned to each grade.

Forgetting to Include All Semesters:

Sometimes students forget to include all semester’s results, especially when they take a break from studies. 

No Double Checking: 

If you are not checking your calculation twice, then you are making a big mistake. When you double-check your calculation, your risk of miscalculation will reduce drastically.

Mixing up Credit-Based and Non-Credit-Based Systems:

Some students provide a credit-based grading system; some provide a non-credit-based system, but students mostly mix them up, so please check your grading system before you move forward to calculate your result.

Assuming all semesters have equal weightage:

Most of the time students assume that each semester has equal weightage, but it is not the complete truth. Some universities use different weightage for each semester, so please check your university’s weightage system before you calculate your CGPA.

SGPA to CGPA calculation in  different university

KTU university : if you are KTU student and trying calculate your CGPA then you can follow following steps

1 sum up all semesters SGPA.

2 Divide it by the number of semesters.

3 CGPA = (Σ SGPA) / Total Number of Semesters

SPPU university : if you are student of Savitribai Phule Pune University than you can use following formula.

CGPA = (SGPA 1 + SGPA 2 + SGPA 3) / 3

VTU university : Visvesvaraya Technological University student can use below mentioned formula to calculate SGPA. 

CGPA = (Sum of All SGPA / Number of Semesters)

Some illustration for above mentioned formula 

1. SGPA calculation with equal credits:

Let’s suppose you got 8.0, 7.5, 8.5, and 9.0 over the course of 4 semesters and every semester is worth the same amount of credit – 20.

Step 1:  (8.0*20) + (7.5*20) + (8.5*20) + (9.0*20) = 660 would be the calculation.

Step 2: 20+20+20+ 20 = 80 

Step 3: CGPA 660 / 80 = 8.25.

2. SGPA calculation with different credit:

An if you got in each semester 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, and 8.5 with 18, 20, 22, and 20 credit allocation 

Step 1: (7.0*18) + (7.5*20) + (8.0*22) + (8.5*20) = 642 would be the calculation.

Step 2: 18 +20 +22 +20  total credits is 80.

Step 3: Now, CGPA = 642 / 80 = 8.025

Understanding of different grading systems

A grading system is a scale of academic evaluation which is used by different universities to grade their students. It is based on a student’s knowledge, skill, and understanding of a particular subject. There are different grading systems available for academic evaluation still, some of them are more popular than others. Let’s talk about them. 

1. Point-based grading: 

This method calculates a student’s performance on the scale of 0 to 100 or 0 to 10. In this method evaluators calculate the total score by combining all subject scores. Once the evaluator calculates the total score he converts it into a percentage.

2. Pass/Fail system:

This is the most popular method among different countries. This method describes student performance on pass or fail. It does not include any number, which decreases the burden on the student’s heads .Students can get expertise in any subject without taking the burden to perform well in all subjects.

3. letter-based grading system:

This method is most popular in Indian and US universities. It includes different letters like A, B, C, D, and F for their academic grading. Each letter denotes a different percentage range; for example, if you got 85%, you will get an A grade, D is for 40%, and F is for failure.

4: CGPA-based system:

CGPA grading is one of my favourite grading systems. CGPA stands for CUMULATIVE GRADE POINT AVERAGE. It is calculated by different courses or semester grade point averages.

5. Percentage-based grading system

In this method, a student’s performance is calculated on the basis of their correct answer. If a student gives 70% of the answer correctly, then he will get 70% in his result.


How to calculate SGPA to CGPA?

It is simpler than you think. You easily calculate them with our tool, or you can calculate them manually.

If my previous semester SGPAs are very low, can I raise my CGPA in my last year?

Yes, you can absolutely raise it with your final year grades , however it totally depends on how low your prior SGPAs were.

Are extracurricular activity points included in CGPA?

CGPA is totally based on your academic score for most of the universities; still, some universities do include extracurricular activities points in their CGPA for that, they classify extracurricular activities under a particular subject heading.

Does CGPA guarantee a job offer?

Good CGPA can help you till the interview call after that, your skills, internships, and other real-world experience will perform their role.