SGPA To Percentage Calculator

SGPA Conversion Tool

Convert SGPA to Percentage

Grade Calculator

If you want to convert your SGPA into percentage but don’t know how to calculate it then You are at the right place We will help you to convert your SGPA into percentage 

Whether you are a student or working professional, our tool will satisfy all your need and  provide you best results on your finger tips with 100% accuracy.

What is SGPA?

Convert SGPA To Percentage
Screenshot: Convert SGPA To Percentage

SGPA means Semester Grade Point Average Many Institutions use this grading scale to grade their student’s performance in a particular semester. Let’s understand it in a more detailed manner

Semester: every Academic year is typically divided in two semesters each part is known as an individual semester. Each course has different number of semesters it depends on how many years are included in a particular course.

Grade Point: It is perfectly based on student understanding in a particular subject

Credit Points: credit points completely depend on the course, subject and university you choose. Different subjects can have the same credit point or the same subject can have different grade points. It depends on the particular university.

How to calculate SGPA from each subject credit score ?

Grade Calculator

Step 1: First , Write down each subject’s credit points as per your performance sheet.

Step 2: Multiply Grade Points and credit points.

Step 3 : Then Add up all the results from Step above.

Step 4: Sum up all the Credit Points of your subjects.

Step 5: Divide it by the result of Step 3 and Step 4.

Step 6: you will get your SGPA for each semester.

Formula for calculating SGPA

SGPA = ∑(Grade Points × Credit Hours)​ / ∑Credit Hours

Let’s understand this formula with some simple example,

Now, Let’s suppose you have following grades in each subject

Subject Credit Point Grade
Geography 4 10
English 3 9
Science 5 8
History 2 7

First List down Your Credit Points 

For example, 

Subject Credit Point
Geography 4
English 3
Science 5
History 2

Multiply them with your Grade Points

Geography: 4×10= 40

English: 3×9= 27

Science: 5×8=40

History: 2×7=14

Add  all of them for Results: 


Sum up Credit Points:


Calculate SGPA:

Divide total sum of grade points with the sum of credit points

SGPA= 121 / 14 = 8.64

How to calculate Percentage from SGPA?

SGPA To Percentage

I hope you understood how to calculate your SGPA let’s discuss steps to convert it into percentage. 


Percentage = (SGPA x 10) – 7.5

Let me provide you one quick Example for better understanding

Let’s Suppose you got 8.5 SGPA

Step 1: Multiply your SGPA with10 

8.5 x 10 = 85

Step 2: Subtract 7.5 from your result 

Percentage = 85 – 7.5

                    = 77.5%

Easy SGPA to Percentage Chart

SGPA Percentage
10 92.5%
9.9 91.5%
9.8 90.5%
9.7 89.5%
9.6 88.5%
9.5 87.5%
9.4 86.5%
9.3 85.5%
9.2 84.5%
9.1 83.5%
9 82.5%
8.9 81.5%
8.8 80.5%
8.7 79.5%
8.6 78.5%
8.5 77.5%
8.4 76.5%
8.3 75.5%
8.2 74.5%
8.1 73.5%
8 72.5%
7.9 71.5%
7.8 70.5%
7.7 69.5%
7.6 68.5%
7.5 67.5%
7.4  66.5%
7.3 65.5%
7.2 64.5%
7.1 63.5%
7 62.5%
6.9 61.5%
6.8 60.5%
6.7 59.5%
6.6 58.5%
6.5 57.5%
6.4 56.5%
6.3 55.5%
6.2 54.5%
6.1 53.5%
6 52.5%
5.9 51.5%
5.8 50.5%
5.7 49.5%
5.6 48.5%
5.5 47.5%
5.4 46.5%
5.3 45.5%
5.2 44.5%
5.1 43.5%
5 42.5%
4.9 41.5%
4.8 40.5%
4.7 39.5%
4.6 38.5%
4.5 37.5%
4.4 36.5%
4.3 35.5%
4.2 34.5%
4.1 33.5%
4 32.5%

Letter Grades Approved by UGC

Percentage of Marks Grade Grade Points
90-100% O (Outstanding) 10
80-90% A+ (Excellent) 9
70-80% A (Very Good) 8
60-70% B+ (Good) 7
50-60% B (Average) 6
40-50% C (Pass) 5
Below 40% F (Fail) 0
Absent AB 0

Different method to convert SGPA from percentage 

Different Indian colleges offer different grading systems to calculate percentage using CGPA.

1. MAKAUT university

Its grading scale is based on 10 scale point to convert your SGPA into percentage you need to deduct 0.75 from your SGPA and multiply it by 10 you can use following formula  

Percentage= (SGPA−0.75) ×10

2. Savitribai Phule Pune University 

This university’s grading scale is also based on a 10-point grading system.

Formula for SGPA = (Sum of (grade point x credit points)) / (total credit points)

And for Percentage = CGPA x 8.8

3. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU) university

In this university you can calculate SGPA by Multiplying each course’s grade points with their credit points You can use formula For Percentage = (SGPA – 0.75) * 10

4. Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)

This university’s grading system is based on Choice-based credit system. For Conversion into Percentage you should consider each subject’s credit points and grade points.

Percentage = (SGPA – 0.75) * 10

5. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTUH)

This university’s grading system is based on 10-point to Convert Percentage from sgpa

Formula: (SGPA – 0.75) * 10

6. Mumbai University (MU)

Like many other university Mumbai university also uses 7-point and 10-point grading system  you can use following Formula for that Percentage = 7.1 × SGPA + 11

How to improve your SGPA ?

You can improve your SGPA with help of  following methods. Let’s understand them one by one.. 

Set Clear Goals: First, you need to set clear goals and try to aim for a higher grade in each  subject or better SGPA in overall performance.

Time management : To improve your SGPA, You need to prepare a proper timetable and prioritize your study before your examination.

Get Help When Needed: If you are struggling with a specific topic, you can take help from your professor, join study groups,ask classmates, or get a tutor for your queries.

Take Part in Class: To increase your SGPA,, you need to actively perform in your classes and ask questions, participate, and promote proper understanding and memory.

Revise Regularly: You need to revise your course material on a regular basis to increase your focus and understanding of a particular concept..

Use College Resources: You can utilize your college resources, like online resources, libraries, and workshops.

Balance Academics and Life: You need to balance your academics with rest and relaxation to increase your focus towards study.

Adapt Strategies: Find a strategy that is best suitable for you and be open to changing approaches if needed.

Stay Motivated: Sometimes setbacks can happen, but stay positive about out your small wins.


How is SGPA different from CGPA?

SGPA shows a student’s average grades for one semester. CGPA shows their average grades of multiple semesters.

How to convert SGPA into a percentage?e?

You can change SGPA into a percentage by multiplying the SGPA by 10, then subtracting 7.5 from your result. For example, suppose you have 8 SGPA, Percentage (8 x 10) – 7.5 = 72.5%.

Is percentage important for job applications?

It is not necessary to convert the percentage for job application still If you need you can convert SGPA into a percentage.

Is SGPA important for higher studies like master’s programs?

Yes, SGPA is very important for higher study as it shows your undergraduate grades. A good SGPA can increase your chances of getting admission to a good college.